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Data Protection law 5.12.2018/1050


Pohjantähden Polku/Minna Wallgrén

Koivutie 11 97900 Posio


Registry matters

The registrar responds to questions and feedback regarding the register as quickly as possible.

Registry name

Pohjantähden Polku  customer register. When the customer places an order through the appointment booking system or in some other way, the order information is registered in Pohjantähden Polku/Minna Wallgrén's customer register and in the booking calendar.


Purpose of personal data processing

Personal information is only used for communication between Pohjantähden Polku/Minna Wallgrén and the customer.

Data content of the register

Registered are customers of Pohjantähden Polku/ Minna Wallgrén. The register can contain the following information about customers: customer name, email address, phone number, order information and contact log.

Date of birth information is not asked.


The register's statutory data sources

Information received from the registrants themselves.

Regular data transfers

All information in the register is processed in a secure connection. The registrar does not hand over customers' personal data to outsiders, and third parties do not have access to the register, and it is not passed on.

Data deletion

According to the Personal Data Act, the customer has the right to check and change his data in the register and request their deletion if he wishes. This must always be done in writing to Minna Wallgrén so that identity can be verified.

The register is only used by Pohjantähten Polku/ Minna Wallgrén and personal information is kept confidential. The register is protected by a firewall and other necessary technical measures.

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